Friday, December 1, 2017

Behavior Management Plan

My classroom teacher used the red, yellow and green color chart for behavior management. Funny that this weeks blog is on this because in class one day I was talking about my final assignment for EDNL-331 and how I would need to talk about something I would change. Her words were I hope you would change my behavior management system, it just doesn't work for this class. After my first week or so inside the classroom she had found out that the students were not informing their parents of the true color they had come home on everyday. So she made a slight change and anytime a student was off task, acting out, or was told to move their clip they had to now write it in a notebook and at the end of the day the students that had moved their clip must give the folder to the teacher so she could verify they put the proper color.
She also developed a token system for two of her students that allowed them different chances at staying on task or in their seats. This system was started right before I finished up my experience, but I believe it was made to keep the two students at there desk working instead of wandering the class. I did not see any of the other strategies used in my field experience classroom.

After reading these articles I don't see how some teachers are still using the stoplight behavior method. I had issues with this idea with my own children being in school. One of them would always come home telling me that they came home on "insert bad color here" because of something they did early in the day but the teacher forgot there good behavior the rest of the day and they didn't get to move their clip back up. So reading these articles highlights the shame that the students feels but then what if the parents takes the behavior of the child at school and brings more punishment to them. So now the child is in trouble not only in school but also at home. It just doesn't seem fair.

I never really thought of some of these behavior management strategies, I had always just thought I would use ClassDojo and then offer rewards or incentives that the students would like. I like the idea of offering rewards that the students would be more excited to earn. I really liked the idea of the mystery reward, and I think I would use that for any of the students that do not respond to the class-wide system. The biggest importance I think is to recognize the positive behavior of the class and students rather than focus on the unwanted behaviors. It is often said that children learn by example, and if we offer rewards for the positive behavior I believe it could help that struggling student to understand that they too can make changes and earn rewards as well.