Monday, September 11, 2017

Learning Disabilities and the Classroom Blog #2

I have decided to create a Prezi presentation for this weeks blog. We had a lot of information to cover this week and I truly didn't see the effect of words inside the classroom until watching the F.A.T. city video.


  1. Loved your presentation! I have a class schedule posted at the front of my class. My middle school students refer to it often, and if the schedule changes they want to know it too. It is amazing how something so small can help with anxiety and put children's mind at ease.

  2. I think doing a prezi was a nice change. I also found the video to be eye opening, it's hard to believe some of the things he was saying we do as teachers. Like "look harder", although I haven't personally done this I have heard it before and it does make ZERO sense. How can one look harder.... I think every teacher should be required to watch this. Then maybe they would be less driven to "ride" students and more likely to understand the student's problems better to help them. I also choose the daily schedule, it is such a simple yet effective support system.
