Monday, October 9, 2017

DIBELS and MTSS, oh my!

I tried something completely new to me....

I hope it works out, I created my blog on nearpod and the link is below.


  1. Your nearpod worked great. I just couldn't click on the link, but by copying and pasting it took me right to it. I wanted to mention that although it says that giving our students all these tests, we are able to know exactly what level they are on, many including myself wonder about this. Kids get sick of taking all these tests, and seem to not take them seriously. I personally think we over test our students. What are your thoughts?

  2. Great job on the blog. I enjoyed that format and found it easy to read. I really like that you mentioned in your blog that one of the benefits of MTSS is that it provides a level of intervention BEFORE the student fails. I did not mention that but think it is a very important aspect. Often, the failures of students are not identified until after the actual issue has become severe, making it difficult for teachers and staff to work backwards in hopes of"saving" the child. MTSS acts as a working proactively for the better of the organization. One point in your blog mentions that MTSS does not include children with special needs. I thought that I actually read in the textbook that it is functional for all students including those with special needs which would typically fall in the more severe tiers, yet usually determined by the severity of the need. I may have read that wrong and will double check that segment.

  3. I completely agree with you about how you said students only doing what they know they are expected to do in order to get the reward and not actually trying to push there self to better themselves. I sometimes think that no a days students are WAY overly tested.
